I decided on this appreciation post on the 6th of February from my seat at 18K, having had my most memorable flight experience thanks to my generous father (who has made a huge mistake because I do not want to be relegated back to my usual class) and the wonderful girls who put together the Roundtable Journal Issue 02.
My Christmas break was characterised by work, play, rocks and more work. I started off with just under 10,000 words to write in two weeks and ended with a rush job of my dissertation interim report. Between that I went to concerts and 21sts a plenty, taking a breather in Accra for the New Year. It was busy, but I did manage to find time to develop new loves in my life: Music and Writing. Now, I’m definitely not at the stage where I can listen to a 24-song album or read an entire book, but articles and EPs have given me a new bout of life and enhanced the way in which I perceive the beauty of the world.
The pages of Issue 02 are no exception. As a feminist, this unapologetic mainstreaming of what society tends to suppress, such as one’s sexuality or one’s blackness, drew me into a utopian paradise -- fitting seeing as I was reading it whilst cruising above the skies. I did not expect to finish the whole magazine that day, so I found myself rather disappointed as the pages in my right hand grew thin enough to count. That didn’t deter me from going on.

From the moment I began, in the airport waiting room, I put the journal down only to board and to lunch. I love this publication. I love the honesty, I love the topics and most of all I love the way it celebrates and empowers women; the adjectives used to describe their interviewees such as Poppy Ajhuda and Tony Gum are nothing short of resounding praise.
Not only did RT produce an masterful and entertaining journal, I’ll be reading it over and over again, they delivered lessons upon lessons. From relaying lessons the writers have learned from their favourite essays, through to advice on how to manoeuvre a threesome situation, the contributors to the journal made sure that their readers went away with more than just a smile of appreciation for this perfectly crafted magazine.
There were so many interesting and informative articles, so it makes it rather pointless for me to go through my favourites or summarise the particularly interesting ones; firstly, there are just too many faves. Secondly, as I believe every one of you all should read, and own, this publication for yourselves, there is no point in me ruining it for those who are lucky enough to get to read it for the first time.

That said, this post isn't a pointless idolisation of RT's Issue 02. Since the 6th of February, I have been compelled to share this amazing experience. That was the initial aim of this post, but I thought, 'why not share it more practically through an awesome gift?' As opposed to robbing the readers of the experience, I am going to celebrate Women's Day by gifting the last 4 copies of Issue 02 to 4 of my supportive followers.
So, for those who read this post wishing they had bought a copy, you still have a chance to own one -- and for free! Just send your address via the 'Get In Touch' feature (at the bottom of the home page) and I'll ship you out a copy. There are only four so don't hesitate get in touch before they all run out!
Happy Women's Day!